Media Selection
The phrase ‘fish where the fish are’ is an attitude we adopt in every campaign we build for our clients.
It begins with defining who your target market is.
“Advertise in just one medium and you are drastically reducing your ability to hire.”
We use our own statistical data plus information from our media partners to build a media schedule specific to your objective. We work with over 800 media across the country, digital platforms, social platforms, job boards, newspapers, television, radio and billboards. If your audience is on it or near it, we will be recommending it to you.
Our campaigns have appeared in traditional newspapers, magazines, industry specific publications, to digital channels, social media, YouTube, Google, and even television networks such as SBSonDemand. From billboards, noticeboards, radio... you get the idea!
We build a unique media schedule for each of our clients to ensure you are reaching your target audience as effectively as possible. We then monitor closely and tweak as needed to ensure they continue to perform as expected.